HomeLesson PlansNorth Carolina History Lesson Plans from the Southern Appalachian ArchivesNorth Carolina Era 3 – Revolution 1763 - 1789: Regulator Songs Lesson Plan

North Carolina Era 3 – Revolution 1763 - 1789: Regulator Songs Lesson Plan

Regulator Songs Lesson Plan

LESSON: Regulator Songs – an introduction to the Regulator Movement
UNIT: North Carolina Era 3 – Revolution 1763 - 1789


Time needed: 30


  1. This activity should be completed before a lesson on the Regulator Movement
    (teacher background material is included in the Resource section below.)
  2. Put students into cooperative groups and pass out song sheets. Ask students to
    read and discuss the songs. They need to make inferences about the reasons these
    songs were written and sung. (students may struggle with this as they do not have
    contextual information – that is the point)
  3. Each group should briefly share inferences with the whole class.
  4. Have students read the introduction to the Regulator Movement from the NC
    Digital Textbook at Learn NC. http://www.learnnc.org/lp/editions/nchistrevolution/4253
  5. Now ask the groups to reassess their inferences based on the new material. Share
    with the class.
  6. Give out copies (or project) the information sheet from the North Carolina
    Folklore book.
  7. Ask students to reevaluate their inferences based on this new contextual material.
  8. Review with students how their understanding of the songs altered with each new