Browse Items (20 total)

Human Being Taken_Avery_p1.jpg
This undated manuscript by Mary Johnston Avery tells the story of Joe Anderson being taken as payment for a Mars Hill College construction debt and follows the story to the 1932 dedication of a monument to Mr. Anderson.

College Pays Tribute_October 1932.jpg
This article from an unidentified newspaper describes a ceremony at Mars Hill College in which Joe Anderson's ashes, which had been removed from a local cemetery, were reburied on campus with an inscribed granite marker.

Education_Antidote_title page.jpg
This is an article written by W.D. Weatherford for The Southern Workman. It uses the Joe Anderson and Mars Hill College story as a starting point to talk about overcoming prejudice against African Americans. W.D. Weatherford presented some version of…

Charlotte Observer_27 Nov 1932_p1.jpg
This is an article that tells the Joe Anderson story and describes the ceremony that honored him in October, 1932 when his ashes were dug up and moved to the Mars Hill College campus and reburied with a granite marker.

Information of Uncle Joe Anderson.jpg
This is an account giving some details about the Joe Anderson story and which Mars Hill College founders bailed him out, as well as where he lived after his life as an enslaved person.

Memory of Slave Honored_McLeod_p1.jpg
This article describes the ceremony on October 12, 1932, when the granite memorial to Joe Anderson was unveiled and his story celebrated by the Mars Hill College community. Mr. Anderson's ancestors were honored in the celebration.

Slave Given as Debt_17 October 1926_p1.jpg
This article talks about the early history of Mars Hill College on the occasion of its annual Founder's Day and mentions the Joe Anderson story as an example of how poor the school was at one point.

Anderson_Ripley_Norfolk Ledger.jpg
This is a cartoon representing Joe Anderson and telling the story of his being taken into custody as payment for Mars Hill College's debt.

Joe Anderson deed notes_26 September 1904.jpg
These are notes about a deed between Joe and Mary E. Anderson and [G.G.?] Tillery dated September 26, 1904.

Joe Anderson family notes.jpg
This is a list of the names of Joe Anderson's two wives and their children and grandchildren.
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