Browse Items (20 total)

Joe Anderson memorial.jpg
This is a photograph of the memorial erected to Joe Anderson and unveiled on October 12, 1932.

Joe Anderson deed notes_26 September 1904.jpg
These are notes about a deed between Joe and Mary E. Anderson and [G.G.?] Tillery dated September 26, 1904.

Joe Anderson family notes.jpg
This is a list of the names of Joe Anderson's two wives and their children and grandchildren.

Information of Uncle Joe Anderson.jpg
This is an account giving some details about the Joe Anderson story and which Mars Hill College founders bailed him out, as well as where he lived after his life as an enslaved person.

Memory of Slave Honored_McLeod_p1.jpg
This article describes the ceremony on October 12, 1932, when the granite memorial to Joe Anderson was unveiled and his story celebrated by the Mars Hill College community. Mr. Anderson's ancestors were honored in the celebration.

Storms to McLeod_13 June 1946.jpg
This is a letter from Grace E. Storms to Professor J.A. McLeod thanking him for sending her the full Joe Anderson story.

MHC to Storms letter_7 June_1946_p1.jpg
This is a letter from Professor John A. McLeod (implied) to Miss Grace E. Storms telling her the Joe Anderson story in detail.

Storms to Blackwell letter_21 May 1946.jpg
This is a letter from Grace E. Storms thanking President Blackwell for his letter and saying that she looked forward to learning more about Joe Anderson from Professor J.A. McLeod.

Blackwell to Storms letter_15 May 1946.jpg
This is a letter from Mars Hill College President Hoyt Blackwell to Miss Grace E. Storms saying that Professor J.A. McLeod was then writing a book about Mars Hill College history and that he had the information she requested about Joe Anderson.

Storms to MHC President_10 May 1946.jpg
This is a letter from Grace E. Storms to the Office of the President, Mars Hill College asking details of the Joe Anderson story (although she did not know his name) and saying that she had heard the story when she attended an Ashram at Mars Hill…
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